Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reading: Kyoto Starbucks 0.1971μSv

Location: Outside Starbucks Cafe, near Kyoto JR Station @1cm
Date: 07/11/2019 18:02pm. Weather: cloudy 12°C 
0.1971μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.724mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: Starbucks Cafe, Kyoto 0.1157μSv

Location: Outside Starbucks Cafe, near Kyoto JR Station @1m
Date: 07/11/2019 17:55pm. Weather: cloudy 12°C 
0.1157μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.013mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: Kyoto Aquarium/Railway Museum, 0.143μSv

Location: Kyoto Aquarium/Railway Museum, Kyoto @1cm
Date: 07/11/2019 17:40pm. Weather: clear sky 15°C 

0.143μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.248mSv/per year (at this rate)

NB: Children's play area.

Reading: Kyoto Aquarium/Railway Museum 0.0954μSv

Location: Kyoto Aquarium/Railway Museum, Kyoto @1m
Date: 07/11/2019 17:35pm. Weather: clear sky 15°C 

0.0954μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
0.835mSv/per year (at this rate)

NB: Children's play area.

Reading: Nishi Honganji, Kyoto 0.1999μSv@1cm

Location: Hishi Nonganji Temple, Kyoto @1cm
Date: 07/11/2019 15:09pm. Weather: Overcast 19°C 

0.1999μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.7499mSv/per year (at this rate)

NB: location had paving stones (refer to section about concrete)tba

Reading: Nishi Honganji Temple, Kyoto 0.08958μSv

Location: Outside Nishi Honganji Temple, Kyoto @1m
Date: 07/11/2019 15:05pm. Weather: Overcast 19°C 
0.08958μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
0.7838mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: Gojo, Kyoto, 0.12566μSv

Location: Kyoto, Gojo Street @1cm
Date: 07/11/2019 14:45pm. Weather: Overcast 19°C 

0.12566μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.099mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: Gojo, Kyoto 0.1098μSv

Location: Kyoto, Gojo Street @1m
Date: 07/11/2019 14:40pm. Weather: Overcast 19°C 

0.1098μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
0.961mSv/per year (at this rate)

Monday, October 7, 2019

Reading: Kyoto JR station 0.224μSv

Location: Kyoto JR Station, Main entrance @5cm
Date: 30/09/2019 9:25am. Weather: Sunny 26°C 

0.224μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.960mSv/per year (at this rate)

NB: this reading is on slate tiles that may contain background radiation and in a location frequented by travelers from Tohoku and Kanto.

Reading: Kyoto JR station 0.129μSv

Location: Kyoto JR Station, Main entrance @1m
Date: 30/09/2019 9:20am. Weather: Sunny 26°C 

0.129μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.133mSv/per year (at this rate)

Monday, May 6, 2019

Reading: 0.2071μSv Namie JR Station, Fukushima

Location: Namie JR Station, Fukushima @1m
Date: 29/09/2014 15:20pm. Weather: Sunny 26°C 

0.2071μSv (time=2min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.814mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: 0.1539μSv Tomioka JR Station, (Joban line), Fukushima

Location: Tomioka JR Station, (Joban line), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 16:45pm. Weather: Sunny 16°C 
0.1539μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.348mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: residential area 

Reading 0.6392μSv Tomioka (500m from JR Station, Joban line), Fukushima

Location: Tomioka (500m from JR Station, Joban line), Fukushima, @1cm
Date: 20/04/2019 16:35pm. Weather: Sunny 16°C 
0.6392μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
5.5994mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: residential area 

Reading: 0.4979μSv Tomioka (500m from JR Station, Joban line), Fukushima

Location: Tomioka (500m from JR Station, Joban line), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 16:130pm. Weather: Sunny 16°C 
0.4979μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
4.3616mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: residential area 

Reading: 0.1084μSv Tomioka JR Station (Joban line), Fukushima

Location: Tomioka JR Station (Joban line), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 16:10pm. Weather: Sunny 15°C 
0.1084μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
0.9495mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: New Station and street development 

Reading: 0.336μSv J Village (National soccer training Center), Fukushima

Location: J Village (National soccer training Center), Fukushima, @1cm
Date: 20/04/2019 13:55pm. Weather: Sunny 20°C 
0.336μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
2.9433mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: students were practicing on the fields. New JR station and local infrastructure. Festival was nearby.

Reading: 0.2006μSv J Village, Fukushima

Location: J Village (National soccer training Center), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 13:50pm. Weather: Sunny 20°C 
0.2006μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.7572mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: students were practicing on the fields. New JR station and local infrastructure. Festival was nearby.

Reading: 0.1374μSv inside JR train, Iwaki-Tomioka(Joban line), Fukushima

Location: inside JR train, Iwaki-Tomioka(Joban line), Fukushima, @1cm
Date: 20/04/2019 12:40am. Weather: Sunny16°C
0.1374μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.2036mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: very new train carriage

Reading: 0.1226μSv Inside JR train, Iwaki-Tomioka(Joban line), Fukushima

Location: inside JR train, Iwaki-Tomioka(Joban line), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 12:35am. Weather: Sunny16°C
0.1226μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.109mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: very new train carriage

Reading: 0.3278μSv Iwaki JR Station(いわき市), Fukushima

Location: Iwaki JR Station(いわき市), Fukushima, @1cm
Date: 20/04/2019 11:25am. Weather: Sunny breeze 16°C
0.3278μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
2.8715mSv/per year (at this rate)
NB: station was reformed recently

Reading: 0.1613μSv Iwaki JR Station(いわき市), Fukushima

Location: Iwaki JR Station(いわき市), Fukushima, @1m
Date: 20/04/2019 11:20am. Weather: Sunny breeze 16°C
0.1613μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.4129mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: 0.1974μSv Tokyo JR Station

Location: Tokyo JR Station , Tokyo @1m
Date: 22/04/2019 07:50am Weather: sunny, breeze 12 degrees
0.1974μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
One year at this rate = 1.7292mSv per year

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Reading: 0.3129μSv Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine (東京)

Location: Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine , Tokyo @1m
Date: 21/04/2019 13:25pm Weather: sunny 21degrees
0.3129μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
One year at this rate = 2.741mSv per year

Reading: 0.1526μSv Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine (東京)

Location: Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine , Tokyo @1m
Date: 21/04/2019 13:20pm Weather: sunny 21degrees
0.1526μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
One year at this rate = 1.3367mSv per year

Reading: 0.1839μSv Tokyo Station (東京)

Reading: 0.1305μSv Tokyo Station (東京)

Location: Tokyo JR Station , Tokyo @1m
Date: 21/04/2019 11:45am Weather: sunny 21degrees
0.1839μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
One year at this rate = 1.6109mSv per year

Reading: 0.2285μSv Kyoto (京都)

Location: Gojo Karasuma(五条烏丸), Kyoto, @5cm
Date: 18/04/2019 13:05pm. Weather: Sunny 21°C 
NB: after rain
0.2285μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
2.001mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: 0.1885μSv Kyoto (京都)

Location: Gojo Karasuma(五条烏丸), Kyoto, @1m
Date: 18/04/2019 13:00pm. Weather: Sunny 21°C 
NB: after rain
0.1885μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.651mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: 0.1805μSv Kyoto (京都)

Location: Kyoto JR Station Entrance, Kyoto, @5cm
Date: 18/04/2019 15:15pm. Weather: Sunny/overcast, slight wind 18°C 
0.1805μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.581mSv/per year (at this rate)

Reading: 0.1142μSv Kyoto (京都)

Location: Kyoto JR Station Entrance, Kyoto, @1m
Date: 18/04/2019 15:10pm. Weather: Sunny/overcast, slight wind 18°C 
0.1142μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-)
1.0004mSv/per year (at this rate)