Location: Tokyo JR Station , Tokyo @1m Date: 22/04/2019 07:50am Weather: sunny, breeze 12 degrees 0.1974μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-) One year at this rate = 1.7292mSv per year
Location: Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine , Tokyo @1m Date: 21/04/2019 13:25pm Weather: sunny 21degrees 0.3129μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-) One year at this rate = 2.741mSv per year
Location: Tokyo, Yasakuni Shrine , Tokyo @1m Date: 21/04/2019 13:20pm Weather: sunny 21degrees 0.1526μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-) One year at this rate = 1.3367mSv per year
Location: Tokyo JR Station , Tokyo @1m Date: 21/04/2019 11:45am Weather: sunny 21degrees 0.1839μSv (time=3min, α-, β- and γ-) One year at this rate = 1.6109mSv per year